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    Do More With Your Rulers

    • Connect rulers as a corner square to square up your fabric or quilt tops the Super Easy Way
    • Use as a handle for lifting and lining up to your fabric
    • Connect rulers to make them longer, wider or a corner square

    Differences between
    the Three Connectors

    • Connect rulers as a corner square to square up your fabric or quilt tops the Super Easy Way
    • Use as a handle for lifting and lining up to your fabric
    • Connect rulers to make them longer, wider or a corner square

    Guidelines Rulers are

    • Non-Slip
    • Self-Aligning
    • Unbreakable & Un-nickable

    Differences between
    the Three Connectors

    Replacement Suction Cups & Handle

    3-Pack Suction Cups with Locking Tops

    3 Repacement Suction Cups: $2.99

    To Replace a Worn or Damaged Suction Cup

    Replacement Handle

    Repacement Handle: $0.99

    Angle the Handle, so you can push the hook on one side through the loop on top of the Connector. Then straighten the Handle as you push the hook on the other side through.

    You'll have to twist it a little, but do the same thing to hook it in on the other end.

    How to Make the Suction Cups Hold Longer

    If you need the suction cups to hold longer, get them wet.

    If the surface of your ruler is clean & free from scratches

    Suction cups work by creating a vacuum when you press them down. They will stay attached until air leaks in.

    That's why you want to make sure your ruler is clean and free of scratches so it can create a tight seal.

    If you put a drop of water on them, the water will keep air from leaking in until it completely evaporates. With a drop of water on them they can hold for several days.


    Suction Cups & Handle

    3-Pack of Replacement Suction Cups
    with Locking Tops

    3 Repacement Suction Cups: $2.99

    To Replace a Worn or
    Damaged Suction Cup,
    follow instructions below:

    Replacement Handle

    Repacement Handle: $0.99

    Angle the Handle, so you can push the hook on one side through the loop on top of the Connector. Then straighten the Handle as you push the hook on the other side through.

    You'll have to twist it a little, but do the same thing to hook it in on the other end.